About me
My name is Marek Poznański. I was born on October 14th, 1984 in Hrubieszów. I have been interested in archaeology since my early childhood. Undoubtedly, the multitude of archaeological positions in Hrubieszów Valley, especially the proximity of FBC position, which this web site is partly devoted to, had a huge influence on my passion's development. Since a few years I have been trying to arouse people's of my age or those who has never before had any contact with this field of science curiousity about archaeology. In my range of intrests is, first of all, the period of the earlier Stone Age and experimental archaeology as the most appealing to human imagination. I believe that my reconstructions and information, which are the result of research of well - known archaeologists as well as my subiective observations on this site, will become the field of discussion and will contribute to traditional archaeology's revival. Please, let me invite you in.
A member of Polish Academic Archeologists Association
Member of the International Organization EXARC
Candidate for doctor's degree at Archeology Institute and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Licensed Pilot of PPG